World War 2 Dog Tags Serial Number

What information was provided on GI dog tags in world war 1?

  1. Dog Id Tags
  2. Dog Tags Military

United States: GI Dog Tags were not created until after World War One. The British soldiers did have ID Tags in WW1. In the Second World War US ID Tags had: Name; Grade/Rank; Service #. Read More

The official U.S. Army nomenclature of the 'dog tag' is 'Tag, I.D., Personnel. During the early days of WW II the dog tag displayed the soldier's name, serial number, blood type. Thomas I Williams dogtag issued during the later part of WWII. This page taken in it's entirety from The World War II Combat Medic Website. (distance between 2 Dog Tags 1. Serial number, until a substitute Tag is made. Finding an american soldier by his dog tag. Discussion in 'Information Requests' started by frenchfinder, Oct 30, 2009. Officer serial numbers always started with the letter O. According to Army Regulation 615-30, dated 12 Feb 1942, Corps area commanders are charged with the assignment of Army serial numbers to all enlisted men within their respective areas, including exempted stations and commands, and oversea base commands. The Department of Defense has the necessary resources to return the dog tags to the sailor or soldier or protect and preserve them in a safe location, according to The American War Library. Mail the dog tags in an envelope addressed to: Secretary of Defense, Room 3E880, The Pentagon, Washington, D.C., 20301. Apr 28, 2009  At this early stage of the war the men of the “Yankee” Division would be wearing a pair of 1916 style dog tags stamped with both a roster and a serial number, or a single 1910/16 round ID Tag paired with a 1917 square, makeshift tag.

Why were dog tags invented for World War two?

actually soldiers used dog tags as early as 1861 to identify their bodies in war if they died in combat. Read More

What does the T41-42 mean on the world war 2 dog tags?

It would mean the year that the dog tag wearer got a tetanus shot, in this case 1941-1942. Read More

What technology have RFID tags replaced?

RFID tags, or Radio Frequency Identification tags, have been developed during the second world war, and they became more present in society throughout time. By now, RFID tags have even replaced barcode tags! Read More

Does a soldier keep his dog tags after a war?

I kept my dog tags after the Vietnam war. No one asked for them back. Personal I guess. Read More

What is the Value of World War I dog tags?

World War 1 dog tags usually vary in price depending on which country they originate from. For example a German dog tag is worth more because after the war the Germans melted all of the dog tags down making it more rare. But in the current market a conservative price would be around 100 to 130 dollars. Read More

What is the x's on World War 1 dog tags?

what are you on about world war come on dont be a gick and chillaxe the answer is x-mas Read More

What was all of the information on ID tags during world war 2?

What was the reason to wear dog tags during world war 1?

so that the body could be identified..... Read More

What is a good xbox live name that has nothing to do with war and isnt gay?

Not sure. There are quite alot of gamer tags you can have. Just think of something cool but replace some words with numbers. Hopefully it will be available. Read More

Where are the cog tags in gears of war?

What information was provided on GI dog tags in World War 2?

See the link to the right for information on a World War Two dog tag through four phases of change. Read More

When were dogs tags invented?

They were invented during the Civil War, in 1861. Read More

When were military dog tags first used?

Dogs tags were first used in the Civil War. They were sort of like pins and they were either made of gold or silver. Read More

Using Clarenece Christy your father in laws dog tags what is all of the information from world war 2?

dog tags contain: name serial number blood type religious preference Read More

Did World War 2 army personnel wear id bracklets with serial numbers on them?

no, they were issued two metal tags worn around the neck with a chain. the tages contained name, serial number and religious denomination. upon being killed one of the tages was removed for casualty reports Read More

What are good clan tags for world at war?

YELW, BLUE, GRN, RED, AND CYAN all turn your clan tag the color you type in. Read More

Can you keep your military dog tags after the war is over?

I guess. Your name is already engraved on it. Read More


Where do they sell gears of war necklaces?

Do a google shopping search for 'Cog Tags' and find out. Read More

In World War 2 why would they have two tags?

One tag was taken in the event of death, and the other tag remained with the body for future identification. Read More

Gears of war how to get cog tags?

you walk up to them and you will see a little icon with an X beneath it. they are hidden throughout the levels and if see a gears of war logo then there is one in that room. i got all 30 cog tags by using tutorials on youtube Read More

Do they still use dog tags in war today?

Yes, the standard military dog tag has not changed much since WW2, and the regulation requiring wearing of dog tags remains in place. Read More

What occurred for the first time in the Civil War?

dog tags they pined papper with there name and address on them. Read More

How many refugees were there after World War 1?

The actual numbers of refugees after World War I was quite difficult to determine. However, most estimates put the numbers at between 5 and 8 million. Read More

When did Australia withdraw from World War 1?

Why was The Great War the bloodiest war?

The Great War is another name for World War 1, as far as I know The Great War was not even close to the death figure as World War 2. Death figure according to Wikipedia: 16.5 million deaths in World War 1 113 million deaths in World War 2 These numbers include civilian and military deaths, it doesn't include the wounded. The numbers don't come close to matching up. According to these numbers I am… Read More

Why was china in World War 1?

china was in world war 1 because it was a WORLD WAR that would mean it was a war of our world......... Read More

What did Hitler do after the war?

Hitler died after World War II. If this is what you mean? Or you mean after World War I, Hitler marched on a city. He was then imprisoned and wrote his book. Read More

What does neutral mean in world war 2?

Why does Justin Bieber have a dog tag?

One of his fans gave it to him. The dog tags were a friend of the fans who died in the war. Read More

Numbers of Jewish people before World War 2 and after World War 2 in Germany?

over sixmillion Jews died in the holocaust Read More

What does POW mean World War 2?

How many people had numbers from World War II?

Over 1 million surviving Jews had serial numbers tattooed to their forearms Read More


How did World War 2 ration books work?

the numbers that went 321 were for points and the numbers going 121110987654321 was for the number of ounces Read More

What were the numbers of deaths in Hiroshima during World War 2?

What was the primary religion for the US during the Vietnam war?

It seems that the word 'Prot' or Protestant was the most common word stamped on men's dog tags in Vietnam during the war. Read More

What do the numbers mean on a dog tag from the Vietnam war?

Well first you have your last name then first name and middle initial, then you'll see US unit number and serial number the last three numbers normally represented the last three numbers of the soldier/grunt's S/S, then your blood type and last line stated the religion you practice. We usually had two tags one went back to the states with your body or whatever was left of it and the other tag went to the… Read More

Which Call of Duty is world at war?

Call of Duty World at War is Call of Duty World at War and those people who use numbers are just making up a name or title because there used to be numbers before as in Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare. Maybe it might be OK to refer to World at war as the fifth call of duty in the series, BUT IT NEVER WAS A COD 5 Read More

How can you find out what battalion company and platoon a World War 2 soldier was in?

You can find out a soldiers battalion and platoon by their dog tags. You could try contacting the army or checking information in a library database. Read More

What was the Soviet's greatest adantage duing world war 2?

Numbers. Almost entirely numbers. Despite incredible casualties, they kept fighting. Read More

America's war aims for World War 1?

Look at Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points. Specifically numbers 2 and 3. Read More

What does POW acronym mean in World War 2?

Dog Id Tags

Was world war 1 fought before the Civil War?

If by Civil War you mean the War between the States in the US, then no. If you mean some other civil war, then maybe, you'll need to be more specific. Read More

Why was a dog tag important in World War 2?

The dog tag was important because it identified soldiers. Dog tags would be collected to send to the family of the deceased as sure proof that the soldier had died. Read More

What does the Dog-tags mean in Call of Duty 4 after you beat a match?

It means those players are dead. This is useful when you are playing games such as Search and Destroy or Headquarters, to know how many enemies are left. (In CoD:World at War dead players are represented by Purple Hearts) Read More

What does World War 2 mean?

World War II is given the designation to differentiate it from World War I. The first war, also called the Great War, was 1914 to 1918, and the second was from 1938 to 1945. Read More

Does World War 1 mean sportsmanship?

Definitely not- those two topics are completely unrelated. World War one does not mean anything- it was a huge war. Sportsmanship involves being polite during sports. Read More

Dog Tags Military

What is the first country have war in world?

if you mean what country had the first war, that is not possible, humans have been fighting each other since time began, if you mean when was the first world war, that was started by Germany in 1914. Read More

Does Justin Bieber always wear dog tags?

The one dog tag he wears was given to him by a fan who had a family member that died in war. Read More

What Colors are used for us military dog tags?

During the Vietnam War they were bare metal; the natural color of metal (silver appearing). Read More

POW STALAG 17B Dog Tags Serial Number 100068 Worn by Morris V. Eckard Service Number 15062131 T41 43 These tags are in good shape for their age. Found in box from estate sale back in the 1980's. Researched History: Stalag 17B was situated 100 meters northwest of the village of Gniexendorf. This village is located six kilometers northwest of Krems, Austria (48-27N - 15-39 E). The surrounding area was populated mostly by peasants who raised cattle and did truck farming. The camp itself was in use as a concentration camp from 1938 until 1940, when it began receiving French and Poles as the first POWs. Strength: On 13 October 1943, 1350 non-commissioned officers of the Air Force were transferred from Stalag 7A to Stalag 17B, which already contained PWs from France, Italy, Russia, Yugoslavia and various smaller nations. At the time of the first Protecting Power visit on 12 January 1944, the strength had increased to 2667. From then until the last days of the war, a constant stream of NCOs arrived from Dulag Luft and strength reached 4237 in spite of protestations to the detaining Power about the over crowed conditions. The entire camp contained 29,794 prisoners of war of various nations. Description: The Americans occupied five compounds,

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