Sap Crystal Reports For Visual Studio 2010 Sp1 Download

  • Last October 2010 I wrote an article about Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2010.I am eagerly waiting for the release of this great reporting tool for Visual Studio. Finally, you can download it now for free. One clickNo cost.
  • I have just encountered a scenario where my application, that makes use of SAP Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2012. The app won't run without Crystal installed, and Crystal won't install without Visual Studio.
  • Apr 24, 2016 - Prior to Visual Studio 2010, the Crystal Reports were Installed along with Visual Studio. The Sap Crystal Reports is free to use and download. The Service Pack Version that supports Visual Studio 2017 is 21.
  • Dec 9, 2012 - Install Visual Studio 2010 Service Pack-1; download link. I downloaded from the first link, SAP Crystal Reports, version for Visual Studio 2010.

I need a runtime for SAP Crystal Reports for .Net 4.0 (64-bit). I have been searching from the web but not getting any success. Can I get the URL from where can i download this

Visual Studio 2010 Download

Tausif KhanTausif Khan

closed as too localized by KevMar 6 '13 at 11:24

Sap Crystal Reports For Visual Studio 2010 Sp1 Download Free

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Here is an article talking about 'Deploying Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2010 Beta'. Download Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2010. Complete Package (EXE) Click Once; Merge Modules. For help and updates go to SAP forums where you can get more info and full support.

2 Answers

Community homepage for SAP Crystal Reports, version for Visual Studio. Find the latest user blogs, questions and answers, and resources along with featured content. Join the conversation with other users today to improve your SAP Crystal Reports, version for Visual Studio skills and reputation! Jun 25, 2015 - Developer Help files can be downloaded from the following links. Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2010 - Service Pack 1 - Fixed Issues.

SAP is notoriously bad at making these downloads available... or in an easily accessible location so hopefully this link still works by the time you read this answer.

< original link no longer active > Link 2/6/13: - 'Updated 10/31/2017' - 'Updated 10/31/2017'

Sap Crystal Reports For Visual Studio 2010 Sp1 Download Windows 7


I have found a variety of runtimes including Visual Studio(VS) versions are available at

Sap Crystal Reports For Visual Studio 2010 Sp1 Download Full


Sap Crystal Reports For Visual Studio 2010 Sp1 Download Windows

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